Atelier KIDA 2015
5-7 mai 2015 Paris (France)
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Mar. 05
Mer. 06
Jeu. 07
Mar. 05
Mer. 06
Jeu. 07
Welcome and registration
11:30 - 13:00 (1h30)
Welcome and registration
You will be required to have a photo ID (passport, ID card, etc.) with you to enter the conference building.
13:00 - 13:30 (30min)
Salle de l'Espace
The new version of KIDA - extension to surface reactions
- Valentine Wakelam, LAB
13:00-13:30 (30min)
Chimie en phase gazeuse
13:30 - 15:40 (2h10)
Chimie en phase gazeuse
Salle de l'Espace
Sebastien Le Picard (Chair)
Some Poorly Understood Classes of Interstellar Reactions
- Eric Herbst, Department of Chemistry
13:30-14:00 (30min)
Reactions Involving Nitrile Anions in the Interstellar Medium: the CRESU Laboratory Apparatus Updates
- Sophie Carles, Institut de Physique de Rennes
14:00-14:30 (30min)
Merged Beams Studies for Astrobiology
- Daniel Savin, Columbia University
14:30-14:50 (20min)
Electron collision driven chemistry
- Jonathan Tennyson, University College, London
14:50-15:10 (20min)
High Level Ab Initio Kinetics as a Tool for Astrochemistry
- Stephen Klippenstein, Argonne National Laboratory
15:10-15:40 (30min)
Pause café
15:40 - 16:30 (50min)
Pause café
Salle de l'Espace
Chimie en phase gazeuse
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Chimie en phase gazeuse
Salle de l'Espace
Jean-Christophe Loison (Chair)
Radiative electron attachment to molecules of astrophysical interest: Direct and indirect mechanisms
- Viatcheslav Kokoouline, Department of Physics, University of Central Florida
16:30-16:50 (20min)
State-to-state rate constants calculations for the reaction C^+ +H2 and S^+ +H2
- Alexandre Zanchet, Instituto de Fisica Fundamental
16:50-17:10 (20min)
An updated list of photodissociation and ionisation rates in stellar and cosmic-ray induced radiation fields
- Alan Heays, Leiden Observatory
17:10-17:30 (20min)
New insight on the metal cyanides and isocyanides abundances in the circumstellar gas
- François Lique, Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes
17:30-18:00 (30min)
Chimie en phase gazeuse
9:00 - 9:40 (40min)
Chimie en phase gazeuse
Salle de l'Espace
Nathalie Carrasco (Chair)
VUV photolysis of Hydrogenated amorphous carbons. Small hydrocarbons production in Photon Dominated Regions.
- Aurélie Jallat, Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay
09:00-09:20 (20min)
Contribution of excited electronic states to low temperature rate constants of radical reactions
- Juergen Troe, University of Goettingen
09:20-09:40 (20min)
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
9:40 - 10:10 (30min)
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
Salle de l'Espace
Nathalie Carrasco (Chair)
High-temperature chemistry and photochemistry
- Olivia Venot, Institute of Astronomy, K.U. Leuven
09:40-10:10 (30min)
Pause café
10:10 - 11:00 (50min)
Pause café
Salle de l'Espace
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
Salle de l'Espace
Nathalie Carrasco (Chair)
A Fully-Consistent 1D Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model for Planetary Atmospheres
- Benjamin Drummond, University of Exeter
11:00-11:20 (20min)
Photochemical aerosol formation in Titan's atmosphere
- Panayotis Lavvas, Groupe de spectrométrie moléculaire et atmosphérique
11:20-11:50 (30min)
Simulating the Density of (Iso-)Nitrile Species in the Titan Atmosphere with a Coupled Ion-Neutral Photochemical Model
- Véronique Vuitton, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
11:50-12:10 (20min)
Anion Chemistry on Titan: A possible route to large hydrocarbons
- Jan Zabka, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i
12:10-12:30 (20min)
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
14:00 - 15:00 (1h)
Atmosphères (exo)planétaires
Salle de l'Espace
Franck Le Petit (Chair)
VUV photolysis of molecules in astrophysical media : Branching ratios of photodissociative channels for databases
- Bérenger Gans, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay
14:00-14:30 (30min)
Laboratory kinetics of anions and excited cations of interest for ionospehric chemistry
- Claire Romanzin, Synchrotron SOLEIL, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique
14:30-15:00 (30min)
Milieu interstellaire
15:00 - 16:40 (1h40)
Milieu interstellaire
Salle de l'Espace
Franck Le Petit (Chair)
Astrochem: a fast time-dependent astrochemistry code
- Sébastien Maret, Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
15:00-15:30 (30min)
Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the formation of various deuterated species on interstellar dusts
- Ankan Das, Indian Centre for Space Physics
15:30-15:50 (20min)
Complex Organics in the Horsehead Photo-Dissociation Region
- Jérôme Pety, Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique
15:50-16:20 (30min)
Bridging the gap between ice observations and modelling: laboratory data holds the key
- Helen Fraser, The Open University
16:20-16:40 (20min)
Pause café + Posters
16:40 - 19:00 (2h20)
Pause café + Posters
Salle de l'Espace
Milieu interstellaire
9:00 - 10:10 (1h10)
Milieu interstellaire
Salle de l'Espace
Pierre Gratier (Chair)
Isotopic fractionation of deuterium, carbon and nitrogen
- Evelyne Roueff, Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique
09:00-09:30 (30min)
Chemistry of star forming regions including deuteration: modeling and observation
- Liton Majumdar, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, Indian Centre for Space Physics
09:30-09:50 (20min)
Formation and recondensation of complex organics during protostellar outbursts
- Vianney Taquet, Leiden Observatory
09:50-10:10 (20min)
Pause café
10:10 - 11:00 (50min)
Pause café
Salle de l'Espace
Milieu interstellaire
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Milieu interstellaire
Salle de l'Espace
Pierre Gratier (Chair)
Molécules complexes : du laboratoire au milieu interstellaire et vice-versa
- maryvonne gerin, Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique
11:00-11:30 (30min)
Chimie en phase solide
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Chimie en phase solide
Salle de l'Espace
Pierre Gratier (Chair)
Chemistry of interstellar ices
- Patrice Theule, laboratoire de Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moleculaires
11:30-12:00 (30min)
Laboratory study of thermal and non-thermal desorption processes of interstellar ices
- Mathieu Bertin, Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique
12:00-12:30 (30min)
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Chimie en phase solide
14:00 - 15:40 (1h40)
Chimie en phase solide
Salle de l'Espace
François Dulieu (Chair)
Adsorption selectivity on interstellar surfaces: computational experiments. Local versus global approach.
- Françoise PAUZAT, Laboratoire de chimie théorique
14:00-14:20 (20min)
The lifecycle of particles on cold dust: a complete journey
- Marco Minissale, LERMA
14:20-14:50 (30min)
Surface chemistry data for extrasolar cloud formation modelling
- Christiane Helling, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews
14:50-15:10 (20min)
Photodesorption of ice molecules
- Guillermo M. Muñoz Caro, CENTRO DE ASTROBIOLOGIA
15:10-15:40 (30min)
15:40 - 16:10 (30min)
Salle de l'Espace
Valentine Wakelam
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